When I was bitten by my dog
It could have been easier to stop loving dogs
but I chose not to
When I was bullied in school
It could have been easier to close myself and stop trusting
but I chose not to
When I was called fat
It could have been easier to hate myself and focus on my flaws
But I chose not to
When I quit studying
It could have been easier to stop believing in myself and give up
But I chose not to
When I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder It could have been easier to use medication to suppress it for the rest of my life But I chose not to
When I was being looked down on
It could have been easier to doubt myself and do nothing
But I chose not to
When I was betrayed by a dear friend
It could have been easier to close my heart
But I chose not to
When I experienced panic attack as I speak in public It could have been easier to run and never do it again But I chose not to
When I experienced a lot of insecurities and uncertainties
It could have been easier sulk and fall into self-loathing
But I chose not to
Life perhaps is the sum of choices that we make Be sure to make those that allow you to love, grow and expand
Humans are primarily driven by past experiences. This can be viewed as a virtue or it can be viewed as a curse. I read the book "The Dog Whisperer" and I learnt that dogs and indeed animals do not let past experience dictate their life. A dog who loses a leg will be as happy as his 4-legged counterpart. We have much to learn about happiness. Sometimes it seemed that dogs and cats know more about happiness than us humans. I learnt that human is indeed a very complex machine. I often now equate the universe to the human brain; the more we learn, the more questions we have. However, deriving happiness is as simple as allowing what ever…